Air Conditioning Bylaws
If you’re in the market to buy, install or replace an air conditioning unit within Calgary, it’s important that you understand the Land Use Bylaws associated with an AC unit. A Real Property Report can help and guide you through the process and it’s always a good idea to know where to place your AC unit to avoid any issues with compliance later on. Following are some basic guidelines that will help avoid any headaches when it comes to installing or replacing an AC unit on your property:
Think before you Build!
Per the City of Calgary, it is always recommended that you obtain an Air Conditioning Permit before installing a new unit on your property. Having this permit in place will avoid any issues with compliance when it comes to selling your property down the line.
It is also good to note that an air conditioning unit that was installed previously that does NOT comply with the Land Use Bylaw rules will require a development permit for relaxation.
The Calgary Land Use Bylaws
The bylaws surrounding AC units are pretty straight forward regarding the placement of air conditioning equipment.
-Air Conditioning units are allowed to project up to 1.0m from the house into the side yard,
-There must be a minimum distance of 0.2m between the Air Conditioning unit and the property line
-In the absence of lane or alley access and a front or side garage, a 3.0 m side setback is required to accommodate a future driveway leading to a rear garage. This layout prevents air conditioning equipment from entering the 3.0 m side setback.
We hope this article has helped answer any questions you may have had about the placement of your AC in Calgary.
Arc Surveys
Have any questions about the Land Use Bylaws surrounding Air Conditioning Units? Give us a call or check out our video on Air Conditioning Units on our Resources page: